Thursday, October 31, 2019

PORTFOLIO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PORTFOLIO - Essay Example unds that I have made in my journey through this class this semester and explain the methods I used to come up with thought inducing topics but also to be able to express papers through methods in which the assignment was clear but still had a point. When I would first try to determine the topics for which I would write about, I would consider my own personal experiences and the things around me that influence my thinking. The best way to determine a topic for me was to take a subject of interest and conduct research in order to elaborate more on it. When I did some thinking, writing and research my ideas would change and I thought of ways to narrow down a topic and the way in which to portray what I was trying to say. There were several times when I had to determine whether or not the topic that I was most interested in was one that I really wanted to write about or if I could find enough research about it. To decide, I would use library services and also the Internet to find topics that had supporting research. I still wanted to maintain my own voice in these papers because they were of interest to me. When looking at some of the most difficult problems I faced while writing, the fact that I am a non-native speaker and student made it difficult. There were some issues or concepts discussed in writings that I was unfamiliar with. I found that some of my information should focus more on the United States and some of the situations found in the culture and society here. The cultural differences and importances in society made a difference in some of the things that I would write about. My grammar and basic way of thinking is a struggle when compared to American English and it was a bit of a challenge to overcome. I did my best to seek out help in order to write to the best of my ability and still organize papers so that they made sense. When researching, I took the advice of my professor, my tutor and my peers. I was often provided with information

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Essay Example for Free

Mental Health Nursing Essay Case Study Report Jamelia I am so tired and drained. I feel as though my head is going to explode with all this pressure. You see I’ve been looking after my mother for a long time, she suffers from anxiety, the illness comes and goes, presenting itself periodically. Although I do worry about my mother I can usually deal with this, I have been for a long time but recently I’ve found myself worrying about my father as well. My father, usually a well presented and calm individual has been acting very strangely the past few weeks. I went round to visit my parents and check my mother was alright and he looked extremely unkempt, he looked as though he hadn’t shaved in a while, and he was wearing dirty clothes. I tried to keep things as light hearted as possible when I asked him why this was and out of nowhere he became extremely angry and defensive which is very unlike him. My mother has been telling me recently that she thinks he’s ‘losing his marbles’ as she puts it, but to be honest I just put this down to her own illness as this is often how it starts, my mother becomes worried about family members and friends when it’s really her who we need to worry about. I kind of put my father to the back of my mind for a few weeks and tried to concentrate on looking after my two children, which is a handful in itself, but then out of the blue at whatever time in the morning the phone rang, a police officer on the phone, she told me how my father had been found roaming around the street not an hour before, in his pyjamas no less. I was mortified, so angry at my father for his behaviour, but the police officer was very reassuring and advised me it might be a good idea to get in touch with my father’s GP, which I did and he put in a referral to the Community Psychiatric Nurse. I think he’s coming round during the week sometime to visit us. I honestly don’t know what else I can do, I am so stressed and run down by this whole thing I haven’t stopped crying, I just hope the CPN can do something to help, or at least give us some idea what the matter is so I can sleep at night. Community Psychiatric Nurse I received a referral from the GP recently asking for me to carry out an assessment on a Mr Hamed Khan who has been displaying behaviours that are a bit out of the ordinary, I also received a police report stating Mr Khan had been picked up for wandering around in his pyjamas in the early hours of the morning. There are many things that I have to rule out before I jump to the obvious conclusion which would be some kind of dementia, the rate at which I believe Mr Khan seems to have deteriorated at is staggering so if Mr Khan is suffering from dementia I would probably sway towards Lewy Body dementia, although, of course, I cannot make assumptions. I will wait until I meet with the family, i will ask them all questions, the majority will be aimed at Mr Khan to answer but I need to see it from everyone’s viewpoint and everyone will be entitled to join in any discussions we carry out providing Mr Khan is happy and willing for this to happen, then based on my observations and the answers i get from the family i will arrange some further tests to get a proper, medical diagnosis, if need be. Before i send Mr Khan for further assessment I will need to ensure a Urine Sample has been taken so we can rule out any kind of Urinary Tract Infection which could be the cause of any confusion Mr Khan has suffered from recently, this is quite often the case in older people they tend to get anxious and confused and this can, and often is mistaken for some kind of dementia. When I go out to visit the family i will ensure they are happy with having a male CPN, and I will meet all their requirements for this visit and all further visits, if necessary. Of course it won’t just be myself working to help the Khan family i will be just one member of a multi disciplinary team who will each have their own role in helping and supporting the Khan family. Sunita’s Needs Meeting Sunita’s needs is paramount in ensuring she is fulfilling her full potential. Sunita’s basic human needs have to be met. Sunita needs to feel loved, at the moment this may be lacking because everyone else is so worried about Hamed that Sunita may be being overlooked. Sunita needs to make sure she maintains her self-esteem, suffering from anxiety herself she needs to make sure she is looking after herself by making time for herself and not worrying about others too much. They say knowledge is power so it might empower Sunita if she was able to learn more about her anxiety, the causes, and all treatment options available so she can make a decision and choose how she would like to manage her illness. Sunita has the right to choose exactly what her own care plan will include, by getting involved in the whole process so it is geared to suit her as an individual and means she can still carry out activities she enjoys which can help her recovery. Hamed’s Needs No matter what the diagnosis Hamed’s needs are all very important, safety is extremely important particularly due to the night wandering and forgetfulness. Hamed needs to feel loved and respected as the head of the household regardless of his illness as this will help his self esteem, his appearance is an important part of this as well. As we have heard Hamed is normally well dressed and clean shaven, and we have to make sure this continues so Hamed still feels as normal as possible, a home carer may be an option to help Hamed get ready in the morning if he feels he would benefit from this. Every decision in relation to the care plan Hamed will be making himself as much as possible providing he is still able to do this and if not an advocate can be appointed, Hamed always has the right to choose. Hamed’s needs will be assessed using different tools of assessment, these could be shared activities, observations as well as meetings, using more than one method will ensure the care plan is as comprehensive as possible and meeting every need Hamed has, in a way he is happy with. Hamed’s physical needs will be met by encouraging him to continue doing physical activities he has enjoyed in the past. Socialising is a very important need, Hamed may be interested in going to a club or even attending a support group where he will meet and interact with people that he perhaps has something in common with. Stress factors for Jamelia There may be several different things which could be causing Jamelia to feel stressed. First of all she has to look after two young children with very little practical, hands on help from her husband. Jamelia also feels obligated to care for her mother when she is suffering from a bout of anxiety. Seeing someone you love and care for being distressed and worried is definitely going to be weighing on Jamelia’s mind. During the times when Sunita is unwell Jamelia is having to look after her mother as well as finding time to spend with her children which probably means Jamelia is feeling guilty, perhaps Jamelia feels she is neglecting her children because she has to look after her mother, all these conflicting emotions will cause a great deal of pressure on Jamelia. Even when Sunita is well, Jamelia has to deal with constant phone calls which may be waking her during the night, lack of sleep may be a contributing factor to the way Jamelia is feeling. As if this wasn’t enough for Jamelia to deal with she also now has to help with her father who is getting forgetful, confused and acting out of the ordinary. Hamed, who is normally a calm, strong man is changing in front of her eyes at an alarming rate, and is perhaps hard to recognise. Juggling so many things, Jamelia is probably not eating properly and not taking care of herself or making any time for herself. Support available for Jamelia, as a carer. There are many organisations out there who can offer practical and financial help to Jamelia as a carer. First of all Jamelia is entitled to a carer’s assessment. The law states that â€Å"anyone who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis can have a carer’s assessment. † A carers assessment will look at how Jamelia is affected by caring for her family, how much caring she can, practically, do while still having a life of her own, and having time for her children. There is also the option of getting someone else to care for Hamed and Sunita if and when Jamelia needs a break this can be in form of respite care, which comes in many different forms, for example, residential care where Hamed and Sunita can go for a short stay in a residential nursing home, as well as being good for Jamelia it could help meet the social side of Hamed and Sunita’s care plan as they will be meeting other people. There are day-sitting services which can be used for a couple of hours during the day, giving Jamelia a break, or a night- sitting service helping Jamelia get a proper night’s sleep. Financial help is available to help fund this particular help from local authorities and local councils in form of vouchers or direct payments. Word Count – 1675.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Emilio Aguinaldo Was The President Of Philippines History Essay

Emilio Aguinaldo Was The President Of Philippines History Essay Emilio Aguinaldo was the president of Philippines at age 28 and was the leader of the Pilipino Revolt. He pushed strongly for independence from Spain and conquered much land although he later loss to America in the Philippine-American War. 1899 Open Door Policy After the boxer rebellion and opium wars, China closed its ports to rest of the world. The US proposed a peaceful note to China to ask them to open their ports for equal trade around the world. The USs Secretary of State, John Hay, sent the note to the other world powers and they said they would agree only if the other powers agreed. Eventually they did and China had to open its ports 1899 Samuel Golden Rule Jones Samuel Jones was the mayor of Toledo, Ohio. He established many progressive reforms that improved working conditions for workers in the town and became extremely popular by promoting the Golden Rule, coining his nickname. 1900 Spheres of Influence This is where when a country dominates a territory no one else can perform trade or other transactions. It began between Germany and Britain when they had a dispute over territories in the Gulf of Guinea. 1900 Charles and Mary Beard This couple was of the most influential socialists of the 20th century. They believed that economics influenced the society rather than its leaders. 1901 Big Stick Diplomacy This coined phrase represented Roosevelts adjustments to the Monroe Doctrine. It got its name from Roosevelt speaking softly but carrying a big stick. 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike This was a strike in Pennsylvania where the mine workers asked for shorter work days, higher pay and to be recognized as a union. It got so bad that President Roosevelt intervened, neutrally, and gave the workers what they wanted. The owners got paid more for their coal as well. 1903 Hay-Buneau-Varilla Treaty This was the treaty that granted America permission to build the Panama Canal. It was between John Hay and Philpe Buneau-Varilla. They negotiated only after Panama got their independence from Columbia. 1904 Roosevelt Corollary Taking points from the Monroe Doctrine, this policy, created by Roosevelt, said that the US would be the protectorate of the western hemisphere. It also said the US would interfere in foreign affairs only if it felt the need. 1904 Northern Securities Case This case is significant because it is the first time the government successfully broke up a monopoly. A railroad company owned by Morgan, Hill, and Hammer, had managed to collect numerous stocks and beat out its competitors. This cases ended companies merging together and the court ruled that the company was violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. 1905 International Workers of the World This was a group of unskilled workers who came together to breakup classes. It was comprised of many well-known activists for unions and labors. 1905 Wobblies This was what the people of the International Workers of the World called themselves. Their main purpose was to get rid of capitalism or free enterprise. 1907 Gentlemens Agreement This was an agreement between the US and Japan stating that no one could enter US with the intent to work. Later discrimination rose against Asians in America. The agreement settled this dispute and an understanding against immigrants were made. The Immigration Act of 1924 nullified this agreement. 1907 Great White Fleet This was when America sent 16 white large battleships on expeditions around the world. This was meant to show that America was a world power and their navy was increasing and improving. 1909 Dollar Diplomacy This diplomacy was established during Roosevelts presidency, but carried over into Tafts presidency. It stated that the US would give loans to countries in South, Central America and Asia, and ensured the safety of foreign affairs. This policy encouraged investments of the US. 1909 Insurgents Revolt This was a rebellion of the Cuban people against the Spanish. Americans provoked it with yellow journalism and eventually America got involved and led to the Spanish-American War 1909 Ballinger Pinchot Affair This was a dispute within politics in the White House. Pinchot found out that Ballinger was giving his friends rights to mine on government protected lands, so he told the president. The president, Taft, approved of it and Pinchot got mad, got fired, and told the press. During the 1912 election, this dispute split the Republican Party, thus allowing Wilson to win. 1912 Moral Diplomacy Created by President Wilson, this policy said that America would remain neutral during WWI. It also said that the U.S, would protect and democrat Latin American country. It promoted peace and advancement of America. 1912 New Freedom This was a campaign slogan made by Wilson, which promised many new reforms and policies made by the government. This took place during Wilsons first term in office and described the progressive era. 1912 New Nationalism This was the policy where Roosevelt said that government would control businesses. He promoted human rights and well-being as his slogan in the 1912 election. 1913 Triple Wall Privilege During the election of 1912, Wilson promoted taking out banks, tariffs, and trusts. He did this by eliminating the influence of lobbyist, signing the Federal Reserve Act, and Clayton Antitrust Act. 1913 Underwood-Simmons Tariff Under President Wilson, this tariff reinforced the federal income tax lowering it from 40% to 25%. It caused many business and people to go into debt and almost ended the prosperity era they had just experienced. 1913 Federal Reserve System This was the main banking system of America, created to stabilized Americas finances and monetary system. It was established in the Federal Reserve Act, under President Wilson. 1914 Panama Canal Wilson set out to increase trade and reduce travel time of ships so he proposed to build a canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The Panama Canal is a 48 mile long canal with a series of locks that allow large ships to pass through. This is an important travel center for sea traveling. 1915 Birth of a Nation D. W. Griffin This was a popular silent film based off the book the Clansman that told the story of a family after the Civil War. It covered very controversial topics and started the blackface era. 1915 Lusitania This was the British ship that Germany sunk, which had American citizens on board. The Americans said if the sinking of neutral ships doesnt end, they will be forced to enter the war, in which they later did. 1898 Black Jack Pershing Pershing was a highly accredited military man. He fought in the Spanish-American War and was deemed the highest ranking officer in WWI. The only ever person to have this title was President Washington. 1916 Sussex/Arabic Pledges During WWI, this was a pledge that said Germanys submarines couldnt attack neutral ships. This took place after the sinking of Lusitania. It made Germany change some of its warfare tactics. 1917 Zimmerman Note This was a note from Germany to Mexico asking for their alliance. America intercepted it and was infuriated. This was the last straw and America entered the world war. 1917 Committee of Public Information This was a committee of people put together to persuade Americans to join the army to fight in the war. They used great propaganda and advertisements to influence the citizens. 1917 Creel Committee Ran by George Creel, also called the Committee of Public Information, this committee spread encouragement to the Americans to join the army. They made it their mission to publish information about the war and turn their attention away from censorship to the war. 1918 Fourteen Points These were a set of suggestions, created by President Wilson, in which he presented to the Allies. These suggestions were to be a part of The Treaty of Versailles. Only some of the points were used in the treaty. 1919 Henry Cabot-Lodge During the war, Lodge was a very prominent figure in American politics, in that he opposed much f President Wilsons views. He was the leader of the Senate and strongly opposed the Treaty of Versailles because it did not include total submission of Germany. 1919 Irreconcilables These were people of Congress who opposed the League of Nations. They argued that America would be better off not being a part of the League of Nations and felt the treaty to be too harsh. 1920 Reservationists These were people of Congress who supported the League of Nations only if certain amendments were made to it. This group was led by Henry Lodge 1919 Treaty of Versailles This was the treaty that ended World War I. It gave full responsibility of the war to Germany and stated that they had to give back all acquired lands and pay for the damages. Germany soon became bitter and this involuntarily led to WWII. It also established the League of Nations. 1919 Volstead Act This act promoted the 18th Amendment and punished all those who violated the law. It also regulated the supply and sale of liquor. 1920 League of Nations This was a group of nations that came together after World War I that created and regulated actions of all the nations. It influenced many of the worlds ability to interact with each other and promoted peace. Proposed by Woodrow Wilson, surprisingly the US did not approve of the league and held out on entering.

Friday, October 25, 2019

gay literature :: essays research papers

While sexual difference may not exist between lesbians all other forms of difference do. These include differences of identity: race, class origins, employment status, age, religion, physical abilities - and while we may struggle against these differences within our individual ‘spaces’ they have a material and institutional reality that cannot be wished away What, to you, seems important about the terms gay and lesbian in literature? In the face of a homophobic society we need creative and critical processes that draw out the complexity of lesbian lives and same sex choices, not a retreat into the comforting myths of heroines and unfractured, impeachable identities This quote addresses directly the primary difficulty of the issue. The terms gay and lesbian are useful in literature in that they allow a group of people who have been marginalised and even persecuted to become visible. They enable a way of life and a set of identities, harmonious or conflicting, to be presented, to be questioned, to be understood and accepted. As categories they create ‘space’ in which there may develop a more evolved understanding of texts and they also create a genre within which many lesbian and gay writers are comfortable with being placed. A gendered reading of a text can reveal undercurrents and depths which might otherwise not be apparent. These categories also make ‘space’ for the author within the text which leads to a closer tie between the author and the reader in the reading process. However the danger which this sort of terminology presents is that of homogenising ways both of reading and writing a text. In creating a category one is always not only creating an inclusive zone but in doing so also excluding certain elements. The risk is run of stultifying the creative process through the exclusion by a minority group of the minority groups within. As Bonnie Zimmerman writes in her essay ‘Lesbians like this and that’ By positing the lesbian as ‘excess’ in the patriarchal system we may fail to note the identities that function as ‘excess’ within our own newly created lesbian community. There is a risk of adopting a separatist approach, of placing the categories of gay and lesbian literature outside the mainstream and creating a gay canon but in doing so retaining the underlying values of that ‘patriarchal system.’ How does one avoid replicating the masculinist cultural error of taking the dominant for the universal

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Essay

Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the Wto Case Study Analysis: Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO Case Study Analysis: Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Ayman Naguib Abstract This case study analysis discusses the central issue of the case presented in the article, as well as the most relevant facts and assumptions with respect to the case under investigation. Furthermore, patterns that arise from reflection on these facts and assumptions with relation to external environment perspectives are described. The analysis also examines the consequences of not addressing the central issue of the case, and provides suggested actions in order to resolve it in the short and long term. Introduction The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been established as the world’s single international organization dealing with the rules and regulations governing trade between nations. In principal, the WTO is concerned with helping producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business within a competitive, non-discriminatory, open and transparent global trade framework. However, in reality, achieving these objectives is far from being e asy. The complexity of the WTO agreements signed by the majority of the world’s trading nations and collisions with national legislative frameworks, economic policies of the individual member states and political issues are the main hurdles in the way of achieving the objectives of the WTO. Consequently, several disputes have surfaced during the past decade. One of the most remarkable cases involved the Offshore Internet Gambling activities that take place in Antigua, a Caribbean island state. The importance of this case can be attributed to the fact that it was the first attempt by the WTO to examine cross-border electronic services as has been shown by Pontell, H., Geis, G., and Brown, G. (2007). The roots of the dispute between the USA and Antigua are undoubtedly related to the criminal prosecution of Jay Cohen, an American citizen that cofounded and ran an online gambling business licensed in Antigua. The basis of the prosecution was an alleged violation of the US Wire Act (U.S. Code, Title 18  §1604) (United States v. Cohen, 2001). The aforementioned statue was enacted in 1961, decades before the internet became publicly accessible. Antigua claimed that the USA has been using the complexity and opacity of its own legal system to deflect attention from the fundamental issue which is to retain revenues from internet Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO gambling within the US, which contradicts with the USA’s obligations as per the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) that the USA ratified. On the other hand, the USA claimed that the disputed activity poses financial and social threats to its citizens. Identification of the Central Issue While the GATS explicitly concedes the right of sovereign states to regulate and to devise laws on the supply of services within their countries to meet national policies and strategies (Krajweski and Marcus, 2003), aligning such regulations, legislative instruments and policies to the commitments of the individual states that are signatory to the GATS and vice versa is often a problematic affair that has led to a majority of the recent disputes handled by the WTO. This is clearly the case in the Internet Gambling dispute. Another issue is maintaining a balance between the special needs of developing and poorer countries and those of the richer and already developed countries, as far as the liberalization of service trade is concerned. Notably, a study of the WTO dispute settlement cases during the period from 1995 to 2006 (World Trade Organization [WTO], 2006) shows that the USA has been involved in approximately 38% of all disputes handled by the organization during that period. Most of these disputes involved developing countries. Notable Facts and Assumptions Based on a study of the facts and assumptions stated in the article, the following facts can be identified: ï‚ · ï‚ · The GATS was applicable to betting and gambling and the USA was in violation of the GATS treaty; The WTO mechanism allows sovereign states to restrict that trade of certain products or services that are deemed to pose risks to public morals and/or public order, provided that such products or services are the production of such products or rendering of such services should not be allowed domestically. However, as far as the USA is involved, gambling activities are permitted in several states, such as Nevada, Michigan and Ohio, amongst others; The American legal framework is complicated and somehow obscure due to the variation between State level laws and Federal laws; and The USA has ratified the GATS without making exclusions pertaining to gambling activities, unlike the Senegal which made an explicit exclusion in its agreement to rule out crossborder betting (WTO, 2005, p. 63); Similarly, the following assumptions can be pointed out: ï‚ · Antigua has demonstrated that it has devised rules and regulations aiming at addressing, as far as reasonably practicable, the concerns over fraud and under-age betting. In fact, the measures taken by the Antigua appear to be more stringent than those enforced within the US; Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO ï‚ · Suspicions have arisen as to the true motives behind the USA’s claims, which could indicate that the claim was driven by the desire to retain revenues generated from internet gambling; and Restrictions that the USA tried to impose over Internet gambling activities, would negatively affect the Antiguan economy. Arising Patterns and the External Environment The arising patterns suggest that on the technological environment, new technologies such as the internet and related technologies pose a challenge to national legislations and international regulatory frameworks which need to address the implications of such advancements. Furthermore, the political environment is affected by issues arising from the power that the more developed and rich nations try to exercise on poorer developing nations in order to enforce their national strategies, which can sometimes be in contradiction to the global inclination towards facilitating the growth of developing nations. As far as the economic environment is concerned, the consequences of such disputes may be greatly harmful for developing countries such as Antigua, compared to the impact it might have on developed nations such as the USA. For example, in 1999, 10 percent of Antigua’s gross national product (US$ 0.6 Billion) was generated from online gambling, which was equivalent to only 0.006 percent of the gross national product of the US during the same year. Consequences There are several consequences of not addressing the central issue identified in this analysis, the most significant amongst which is making agreements such as the GATS ineffective due to the collision between national interests of the more powerful countries and the brisk needs of developing countries. Furthermore, trade  imbalances and discriminatory global wealth distribution will be inevitable, which will clearly be inclined towards the more powerful and developed nations will have control. Recommended Actions In light of this analysis, the short-term actions that are suggested to resolve the central issue entail working towards streamlining the internet gambling business in Antigua in collaboration with the USA to ensure that concerns over fraud and underage gambling is reasonably addressed. Furthermore, the USA should adopt a more transparent approach that avoids double standards in deeming the legality of internet gambling. On the long term, an international framework is required in order to establish a more effective and transparent mechanism to maximise the alignment of national legislation with international treaties, without compromising the rights of each nation over its legislative instruments. Additionally, the WTO’s should enforce provisions that are meant to give developing nations a special and a more Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO lenient status when liberalisation of trade is concerned. These provisions should also be protected against unjust practices from developed nations. On the other hand, the WTO and particularly its developed nations’ members should assist developing countries to implement legislative reforms that ensure that such countries to achieve better governance and compliance in adopting more fair trade practices. Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO References CIA 2008. Antigua and Barbuda. The World Factbook, Updated August 7. Retrieved from Djordjevic M (2002) Domestic Regulation and Free Trade in Services – A Balancing Act. Legal issues on Economic Integration, vol 29, no 3. Krajweski, Marcus (2003). National Regulation and Trade Liberalization in Services: The Legal Impact of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) on National Regulatory Autonomy; Kluwer Law International, The Hague-London-New York. Lang, Andrew (2004) The GATS and Regulatory Autonomy:  A Case Study of Social regulation of the Water Industry, Journal of international Economic Law, 7(4). Mattoo Aaditya and Sauvà ¨, Pierre, Editors (2004. Domestic Regulation and Services Trade liberalization. World Bank and Oxford University Press. Pontell, H., Geis, G., and Brown, G. (2007). Offshore Internet gambling and the World Trade Organization: Is it criminal behavior or a commodity? International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 1(1), 119-136. Scott Sinclair and Jim Grieshaber-Otto (2002) Facing the Facts: A guide to the GATS Debate, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ottawa. World Trade Organization (2007). WTO Dispute Settlement : One-Page Case Summaries : 1995September 2006. Geneva: WTO Publications.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personality Profiles And Learning Styles Project Essay

Personality Profiles And Learning Styles Project Essay Personality Profiles And Learning Styles Project – Essay Example Personality profiles and learning styles Personality profiles and learning styles This paper will be exploring the assessment of various personality profiles and learning styles. I am going to start by defining what personality profile is and thereafter give a definition of learning styles. A personality profile is a way of identifying, coming up with, representing and giving out information for different reasons. The study of personality profile is mostly based on various personal behaviorism, activities of a small group of people or large company. The study is used to estimate a workers individual features, standards as well as life talents so as to increase his or her efficiency and input to the corporation. Learnings are various theoretical or practical styles that are used by different people depending on their capability. Learning style inventories are outlined to assist the learners know the type of learning preferences they have. According to Flemings (VARK learning style), L earnings can be visual (use of pictorials and images), auditory (group discussions, lectures), writing and reading (textbooks, journals, writing notes) or kinesthetic. Various researchers have conducted different questionnaires and have come up with a number of inventories. In psychology, one has to understand their learning styles as well as personality profile to be productive in their areas of specification and assignment. I have conducted various tests on learning styles and personality profiles. In learning styles the tests have shown that approximately 65% of students have a sensing learning style. This was reached at after observing learners characteristics during questionnaire. Most of these learners are practical and reasonable, they focus on the present as well as observe keenly the environment around them. They also rely on experience and common sense while solving problems. In personality profiles, I carried out one tests and had the following results: the persons mind is kind (69%), energy- reserved(22%), observant in nature(6%), in tactics, the person was searching(9%) and turbulent(53%) in identity. There are sixteen different personality types. I am so amazed to see that the tests I have carried out are completely true. I totally agree with these assessment. I can almost say it is almost 100% true. When it comes to personality profile, this was a test from a friend whom I can say I know absolutely. My friend is all that the test reflected. I also had my own test which was almost same. I learned that my personality type is (ISFP) Knowing my results has helped me to be open-minded and reflect on most important areas for me to be successful. I have to work more on planning so as to be proficiency. References